The Forever War Filkins Epub 14
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He made it just that we should have democratic institutions, then He made it just that everybody who is to suffer under the law should have a voice in making it ; and if it is indelicate for woman to vote, then let Him stop making women (applause and laughter), because republicanism and such women are not consistent. I say it reverently ; and I only say it to show you the absurdity. Why, my dear man and woman, we are not to help God govern the world by telling lies ! He can take care of it Himself. If He made it just, you may be certain that He saw to it that it should be delicate; and you need not insert your little tiny roots of fas- tidious delicacy into the great giant rifts of God's world they are only in the way. (Applause). The first evening session was called to order at 7 o'clock. The President in the chair. The audience was very large, the hall being uncomfortably full, and the attention unremitting and profound. The most excellent order was preserved ; the meeting, in this re- spect, furnishing a marked and gratifying contrast with the evening sessions of the last two years at Mozart Hall. Mrs. Rose, from the Business Committee, presented a series of resolutions*, which were read by Miss Anthony. Elizabeth Cady 153554b96e