In the future we may begin making these files available as build products from hydra at which point we will update this documentation with instructions on how to obtain them either for placing on a dedicated TFTP server or to boot them directly over the internet.
Note for developers: if you wish to run this NixOS test worker alongside another NixOS system, you need to mount the Nix store of the target usage target. For example, if you want to test a version of NixOS that is not the one used by your primary system, you may want to create a local Nix store outside of the target build system. Use the --target argument provided to NixOS QEMU/KVM execution to specify a custom Nix target to mount and use.
On final build, collectd sends a message to supervisord telling it to respawn the process. Users will generally have to restart supervisord after installing new watch processes. Collectd sets the uid/gid of the process to \"collector\", as this is the only group the user account is in, and uses the uid 0 in this case. 7211a4ac4a