Password Fifa Manager 2013
FIFA vuelve a dar el salto al género de los manager donde, por una vez, no es quien marca el camino. La edición de 2013 llega cargada de opciones para todos los gustos, desde el precio al que vendemos las bufandas de nuestro equipo hasta la tercera división española. El resultado Un juego casi interminable que falla en el punto más importante: el aspecto táctico.
FIFA Manager 13 parte de la base de que Football Manager 2013 es un titán en la gestión táctica de los equipos. Le gana por goleada en ese aspecto y en la aproximación más purista del juego: los entrenamientos, la relación del manager con los jugadores, las declaraciones ante la prensa.
It's been years since I've last played Tapped Out and wanted to redownload just so I can see my old town. I had lost access to the Gmail account used for my Springfield but I still had access to it since I still had the password to the lost Gmail and that always allowed me to access my old Springfield so I never bothered to change the account to one I had access to. Now as I try to log in it is asking for me to verify my email with a code sent to the Gmail I no longer have access to. Since I can't log in to that Gmail anymore and since I've lost access to its recovery email I can no longer change the password and thus not be able to verify myself. Both of these accounts were made somewhere between 2012 and 2013 and being a kid then I didn't add anything else that can help change the passwords. Would there be any way I could somehow switch or change the lost account so that I can switch my Springfield into an account I have access to I've poured a lot of hours and I would like to not let it go down the drain. Anything helps. 1e1e36bf2d